You've just got new orthodontic braces; the first step towards a beautiful smile.
Maybe you're curious to know what to expect in terms of tooth sensitivity during orthodontic treatment.
It's normal for there to be some mild discomfort and sensitivity, especially after your braces initially go on or after a wire change.
Teeth move during orthodontic treatment by gentle force being applied to teeth. This force can make teeth sensitive to other pressures like chewy, hard candy, sticky food and chewing gum - all things that should ideally be avoided during orthodontic treatment. Try to avoid hard, chewy foods and opt for softer foods that won't add to any sensitivity.
Sensitivity can also occur while wearing braces due to an increase in plaque formation. Orthodontic brackets have a rough surface and can incease the formation of plaque - that's why it's so important to see your General Dentist while wearing braces, as regular cleanings will help keep plaque buildup to a minimum.
Your Calgary Orthodontist will explain why it's critical to keep your braces clean, with brushing and flossing, so that plaque does not stay on teeth surfaces and cause sensitivity. Not only can unclean brackets and teeth lead to sensitivity but it may also increase your chances of tooth decay. You don't want to end up with beautiful straight teeth, full of cavities!
Get in to the habit of always keeping your toothbrush with you and make sure you brush after every meal or and snack - and of course don't forget to floss.
Cory Liss is a Certified Calgary and Airdrie Orthodontist.
Call today for more information or to book an appointment - 403.287.0746
By Cory Liss